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2025 Signature Bundle

Our 2025 Signature Bundle takes you on a culinary journey across the length and breadth of China. With carefully selected combinations, it allows you to easily create classic dishes and distinctive flavors from across China. Whether you're entertaining friends from all over or enjoying the diverse tastes of the country at home, our set can meet all your needs
The dish image shown is for reference only.
🍖 毛氏红烧肉酱汁 —— 适用于毛氏红烧肉、红烧牛腩等红烧菜系
🫑湖南小炒肉调味汁 —— 适用于辣椒炒肉、花菜炒肉等小炒菜
🥩 小炒黄牛肉调味汁 —— 适用于小炒黄牛肉、香干炒培根(腊肉)等湘式样小炒菜
🍲 麻婆豆腐调味料 —— 适用于多种下饭菜品如麻婆豆腐、肉末茄子、我很好拌饭等
🦐 避风塘炒料 —— 适用于多种避风塘菜品如避风塘鸡翅、避风塘炒虾等菜品
🍅️ 左宗棠鸡调味包 —— 改良必吃招牌菜!适用于多种酸甜口菜品如左宗棠鸡、糖醋里脊等菜品,老中老外都爱吃
🧄 万能蒜蓉酱 —— 即取即用,百搭增香不抢味。适用于多种菜品如炒青菜、蒸海鲜等
🔥 湘式口味酱 —— 适用于多种口味菜品如口味虾、口味蟹、香辣牛蛙等菜品


No, our Spicy Beef sauce is crafted by Hunan cuisine masters using a golden ratio of premium ingredients. It delivers an authentic spicy and savory Hunan flavor without the need for additional seasonings.

The product undergoes high-temperature sterilization and is packaged in a 4-layer freshness-lock system, ensuring a shelf life of 365 days.

The chili oil packet included in the pack provides only a mild hint of spiciness. If you prefer a spicier taste, you are free to add more chili to suit your preference.